EvaSys Survey Automation Software

Education Survey Automation Software

Make more informed and timely decisions.
Universities, colleges and training providers are increasingly choosing EvaSys survey automation software for the evaluation of their courses, modules, seminars and workshops so that they can make more informed and timely decisions about course content, teaching staff and learning environments.

Use EvaSys for:

  • Driving consistency in evaluations across departments or schools
  • Easy to use customisable and responsive questionnaire templates, for online and paper-based surveys
  • Easy to access software from multiple geographical locations
  • High volume data capability and analysis
  • Instant reporting – allowing you to make informed and timely decisions

EvaSys supports every stage of the evaluation process, from preparation to quality management.

EvaSys Education is a sophisticated Internet based survey management system with which the evaluation of academic programs can be carried out quickly and efficiently.
The basis for an integrated, efficient evaluation process is to maximise automation and structured processes for the questionnaire layout, survey administration and reporting. EvaSys allows for centralised, decentralised and department level evaluation approaches – to fit your requirements.

EvaSys Education is used by more than 500 different institutions worldwide and is the market leading solution in this environment.

What makes EvaSys unique:

  • Enterprise Survey Management:
    EvaSys Education survey automation software is designed to manage core survey functions centrally creating strategic organisational visibility. EvaSys Education’s versatility allows for the management of multiple instructors with numerous courses offered over varied time periods . In addition, EvaSys can be implemented across multiple departments distributing defined administrative and passive user roles and secure access rights across complex organisational environments
  • Hybrid:
    Core to the EvaSys model is the ability to automate both the use of paper and online surveys. This Hybrid approach is native to the product meaning there are no additional steps for seamlessly integrating multiple survey methodologies. Features such as conditional branching translates automatically to the paper generated layout of the questionnaire
  • Great flexibility in survey methods:
    EvaSys Education supports a variety of survey formats; anonymous or non-anonymous surveys, secure online surveys, e-mail invitation distribution, local or distributed printing of scannable surveys as well as surveys generated by authorised faculty or student users
  • Central and distributed use:
    Once the central course evaluation has been implemented across all disciplines allowing for overall administration, it is possible to allow individual departments to access their own survey systems. The EvaSys administrator can enable these users to create and manage their own survey projects without any impact on the core organisational use of the technology
  • Strong functions for reporting and quality management:
    The data collected is processed by EvaSys as native reports in PDF format. In addition to univariate analysis (histograms, pie, line and bar charts) the report contains crosstab, profile lines and the scanned responses to open questions. QM (Quality Management) sheets and traffic lights give the management a quick overview. Quality guidelines can be easily defined allowing for automatic quality objective maintenance and organisational transparency
  • Interface connectivity:
    The necessary basic structure for the assessment of courses, departments, lecturers, participants and beneficiaries can be exported via CSV or XML and imported from other sources. Template interfaces already exist for HIS-LSF, UnivIS, Blackboard and Moodle. Additional interfaces for WebCT, SCT Sakai and banner are also planned. Furthermore, version 3.1 with SOAP interfaces for programming and remote control of the application is offered. Survey data can also be exported for further advanced analysis and reporting to SPSS

Phases of evaluation with EvaSys

Phased Model
The evaluation process with EvaSys takes place in five consecutive phases which are the basis for a continuous improvement process. The success of quality improvements can be measured very quickly and simply with EvaSys.

The phases are:

Phase 1:
Preparation of the evaluation: In this phase the user creates and organises surveys with EvaSys.

Phase 2:
Implementation of the survey: The high degree of automation within EvaSys allows the user to create and launch surveys in multiple methodologies such as online or paper based.

Phase 3:
Capturing & feedback: After scanning the questionnaires or completion of the online surveys, the user will instantly receive an automated feedback report.

Phase 4:
Analysis of the survey: In addition to the immediate report, EvaSys creates various sub-group reports and evaluations. The user can then export the data with the statistics module Sphinx or any other editing program.

Phase 5:
Quality management: EvaSys offers many tutorials for quality management. Quality guidelines and standard values offer the user a quick overview of a large number of individual surveys






















